1. ICLS Knowledge Base
  2. J-1 Visa Intern & Trainee Program

Can I shorten my J-1 program and go home early?

How to shorten your program and end it in good standing for a variety of reasons

Yes, of course you can choose to go home early! Whether it's due to an emergency, medical issues, financial issues, a job offer in your home country, culture shock, or any other reason, you can absolutely choose to shorten your program and go home early. 


Contact ICLS for details, but you will need to:

  1. Inform your host company.
  2. Submit an End Early Request form (contact ICLS for this form).
  3. Complete all applicable evaluations.
  4. Send ICLS your purchased flight itinerary home.

Keep in mind the following:

  • Once your program has been shortened and/or ended early, it cannot be undone.
  • There are no refunds for shortened programs or ending early. 
  • Once your program has ended early, you are no longer authorized to work, study, train, or re-enter the US under that same J-1 visa. If you get a new visa, you are of course able to re-enter under that new visa. 
  • Shortening your program and/or ending early do not negatively affect your visa and are not a negative mark on your record. However, if your program is shortened or ended early for disciplinary reasons, or if you do not follow proper procedures, details may be included in SEVIS and you may not be entitled to your 30-day grace period. 
  • ICLS may monitor your SEVIS departure information to ensure you return home.