How do I join the ICLS Diffit license?

ICLS offers a Diffit premium license for instructors and staff who take the course and send in an example resource.

Diffit is an AI-based tool that allows you to quickly and easily create leveled reading activities based on any text or topic you choose. ICLS offers a Diffit premium license to any instructor or staff member who is interested in testing and using the tool.

Create a Diffit Account

To create a Diffit account:

  1. Go to
  2. Click 'Log In' at the top-right corner
  3. Select "New to Diffit? Create an Account"
  4. Input your information and set a password, then click 'Create an account'.

Note: You can also choose to log in using a Google or Microsoft account by clicking the respective buttons at the top of the menu.

Once your Diffit account is created, you can log in by clicking the button at the top-right.

Take the 20 Minute Diffit Certification

Diffit offers a 20 minute certification course which goes over how to use Diffit and generate activities. This course is the best way to learn the functionality of Diffit. The course can be found here:

Once completed, forward the certification or an activity you created to Edwige Simon (

Note: If you used a different email address to sign up for Diffit than the one you're emailing from, please mention your Diffit email when you forward the information.

Activating your Diffit License

Once forwarded, your Diffit account will be added to the ICLS license. Check your inbox or spam/junk folders for an email from Diffit inviting you to the license.

Click on the link in that email, and your license will be fully activated. You will then continue to have access to Premium features, even when your free trial expires.