French Beginner 1 is designed for students with no prior French knowledge or experience.
At the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Introduce themselves
- Greet someone and ask how they are
- Use basic classroom vocabulary
- Recognize and use numbers 0-100
- Say the date and tell the time
- Discuss family relationships
- Discuss your hobbies and interests
- Discuss the weather
- Ask basic questions
- Discuss countries and nationalities
- Describe modes of transportation
The primary topics covered are:
- Talking about yourself
- Greetings and introductions
- School & University life
- Professions
- Time
- Habits and hobbies
- Family
- Weather
- Seasons
The grammatical topics covered are:
- Subject pronouns
- Common verbs (To be, to have, to go)
- Nouns
- Definite and indefinite articles
- Gender
- "Here is" versus "There is"
- -er verbs and -ir verbs
- Possessive adjectives
- Yes/no questions
- Interrogative "quel" (which, what)
- Negation
- Adjectives (introduction)
- Adverbs (introduction
- Immediate future
- Prepositions