What will I learn in Arabic Advanced Contemporary Topics?

Students and the instructor will review the list of topics on the first day of class to determine which topics will be taught. If there is a topic not on the list, it can be added to the course if the students and instructor are in favor.

Please note that the prerequisite for Arabic Advanced Contemporary Topics is Arabic Intermediate 2 or equivalent proficiency.

Topics may include: 

  • Famous Writers and Literature of the Arab World 
  • Education, Youth Outreach, Young Changemakers  
  • Professions, Labor Force, Labor Unions, Leadership and Teamwork  
  • Travelling & Tourism, Russian-speaking Countries/Regions, Historical & Cultural Artifacts 
  • Shopping, Local Business, Markets, Megastores  
  • Nutrition, Health, Standard of Living and Quality of Life, Preventive Medicine 
  • Culinary Traditions, Cultural Identity and Taboos 
  • Social Media, Pop Culture, Popular Media 
  • Foreign Policy, Foreigners and Local Laws, Freedom of Speech 
  • Security, Military, Judicial System 
  • Humanitarian Efforts, Immigration 
  • Science, Climate Change, Sustainable Development 
  • International Development, Governmental and Non-Governmental Organizations