Brazilian Portuguese Intermediate 1 is designed for students with a solid prior knowledge of Brazilian Portuguese.
Please note that the prerequisite for Brazilian Portuguese Intermediate 1 is Portuguese Beginner 2 or equivalent proficiency.
In addition to the cumulative material, after this course you will be able to:
- Name and locate objects in the classroom
- State the geographical location of a specific country/province.
- Share biographical information with classmates.
- Ask and respond to simple questions about familiar topics or a text.
- Give commands and have a classmate execute them
- Order food from a menu
- Shop for food and clothes
- Spell out loud
- Listen to information and write it down
- Complete various reading comprehension tasks and challenges
In addition to the cumulative material, the primary topics covered are:
- Family
- Greetings
- Calendar/Holidays/Seasons
- Time/Money
- Description and location of objects
- Nationalities, countries, and languages
- Shopping
- Geography of Brazil and Angola
- Weather
- Biographical information
- Daily activities
- Means of transportation
In addition to the cumulative material, the primary grammatical topics covered are:
- Letters and sounds
- Cognates
- Numbers: Cardinal and Ordinal
- Personal pronouns
- Basic syntax
- The use of "ser," "estar," and "morar"
- Past tenses or regular and irregular verbs
- Present continuous verbs
- Future tense
- Imperative
- Auxiliary verbs
- Question formation
- Basic prepositions
- Differences between Brazilian and Continental Portuguese