Brazilian Portuguese Intermediate 2 is designed for students with a solid prior knowledge of Brazilian Portuguese.
Please note that the prerequisite for Brazilian Portuguese Intermediate 2 is Brazilian Portuguese Beginner 1 or equivalent proficiency.
In addition to the cumulative material, after this course you will be able to:
- Make an appointment and coordinate schedules
- Write poetry
- Make a hotel reservation
- Plan a trip
- Plan a party
- Listen to and transcribe recorded conversations
- Read and respond to commands
In addition to the cumulative material, the primary topics covered are:
- Directions
- Making appointments
- Restaurants and stores
- Body and health
- Social events
- Expressing wishes
- Typical Portuguese cuisine
- Phone calls
In addition to the cumulative material, the primary grammatical topics covered are:
- Exclamations
- Interrogatives
- Direct and indirect object pronouns
- Reflexive pronouns
- Position of pronouns
- Adjectives/Comparatives/Superlatives
- Futuro próximo: ir + infinitive
- Futuro intenção: haver de + infinitive
- Adverbs of time
- Ordinal numbers
- Auxiliary verbs
- Question formation
- Articles: definite and indefinite
- Introduction to negation
- Prepositions