What will I learn in Chinese Intermediate 2?

Chinese Intermediate 2 is designed for students with a solid knowledge of Chinese.

Please note that the prerequisite for Chinese Intermediate 2 is Chinese Intermediate 1 or equivalent proficiency.

In addition to the cumulative material, after this course you will be able to: 

  • Explain where you are going and why
  • Set up logistics for a ride
  • Talk about the duration of an action
  • Say your birth year and Chinese Zodiac sign and ask someone theirs
  • Basically describe someone else's facial features
  • Make an appointment with a doctor and share your symptoms
  • Understand the instructions of a doctor
  • Check-in on a friend's well-being
  • Recognize 80+ Chinese characters

In addition to the cumulative material, the primary topics covered are:

  • Social activities
  • Sickness and treatment
  • Chinese Zodiac signs

In addition to the cumulative material, the primary grammatical topics are:

  • Phrases indicating time duration
  • Particles that change sentence order
  • More advanced adverbs