This course is designed for students who can apply their knowledge of grammar concepts to participate in simple conversations with reasonable accuracy.
Please note that the prerequisite for Chinese Intermediate 3 is Chinese Intermediate 2 or equivalent proficiency.
In addition to the cumulative material, at the end of the course you will be able to:
- Organize the vocabulary learned in a more distinguished manner, nouns, adjectives, verbs
- Construction more complex and detailed sentences based on organized use of vocabulary
- Increase sentence construction skills into engage in longer and more meaningful conversations
- Ask someone out on a date, straight forward or subtly
- Reject someone’s good intention politely and subtly
- Recognize different spaces and rooms in a house
- Rent an apartment/house with desired outcome
- Convince someone to do certain activities (sports) with more effort and persuasion
- Describe a complicated sport (football)
- Comprehend narrations on cultural topics, Chinese New Year and the character of Chinese people
- Understand simple Chinese idioms involving numbers, colors, animals
- Recognize 100+ Chinese characters
In addition to the cumulative material, the topics covered are:
- Review of vocabulary network and sentence construction
- Asking someone on a date
- Renting an apartment
- Sports
- Chinese New Year
- Character of Chinese people
- Chinese idioms
In addition to the cumulative material, the grammatical topics covered are:
- More fluent use of descriptive complements
- Time duration continued
- More on particles that change the sentence order
- Directional complements
- More particles attached to verbs