What will I learn in French Intermediate 1?

French Intermediate 1 is designed for students with a basic knowledge of French.

Please note that the prerequisite for French Intermediate 1 is French Beginner 2 or equivalent proficiency.

In addition to the cumulative material, after this course you will be able to: 

  • Discuss holidays and traditions
  • Describe the inside of a house or apartment
  • Communicate about domestic tasks
  • Describe what you like to read
  • Discuss media habits (TV, radio, etc)

In addition to the cumulative material, the primary topics covered are:

  • Holidays and tradition
  • Housing
  • Movies, books, and media

In addition to the cumulative material, the primary grammatical topics are:

  • Irregular -ir verbs (like “ouvrir” 
  • Direct and indirect object pronouns 
  • Imperfect past tense (imparfait) 
  • Narration tenses  
  • Adverbs of frequency 
  • Pronominal verbs in the simple past
  • The pronouns "y" and "en"
  • The imperative mood
  • The verb "venir"
  • The relative pronouns "qui" and "que"
  • The negative structures "jamais," "rien," "personne" 
  • "Dire," "lire" and "écrire” in the present tense
  • Modal verbs
  • Negative structures “jamais,” “rien,” “personne” 
  • “Dire”, “lire” and “écrire” in the present tense  
  • Modal verbs