Designed for students with a basic knowledge of Spanish, the Intermediate 1 course focuses on the development of fluency.
Please note that the prerequisite for Spanish Intermediate 1 is Spanish Beginner 2 or equivalent proficiency.
In addition to the cumulative material, at the end of the course you will be able to:
- recall vocabulary related to food
- apply knowledge of geography and vocabulary relating to nationality
- recall vocabulary related to health and the human body to discuss symptoms
- discuss your favorite hobbies and sports
- recall vocabulary related to childhood and adolescence
- discuss what you used to do
- describe yourself when you were younger
- discuss where different items are sold
In addition to the cumulative material, the topics covered are:
- Nationalities and heritage
- Health and the human body
- Childhood and adolescence
- Vacations
- Past events
In addition to the cumulative material, the grammatical topics covered are:
- "Ser" vs "estar"
- "Muy" vs "Mucho"
- Reflexive verbs
- "Saber" vs "Conocer"
- Expressions with "tener"
- Indirect object pronouns
- Verbs like "gustar"
- Demonstratives
- Comparisons of equality and inequality
- Superlatives
- "Por" vs "Para"
- Imperfect tense
- Introduction to Preterite tense