Designed for students with a solid knowledge of basic grammar concepts and the ability to conduct conversations on familiar topics including at the workplace
Please note that the prerequisite for Russian Intermediate 3 is Russian Intermediate 2 or equivalent proficiency.
In addition to the cumulative material, at the end of the course you will be able to:
- Give health advice
- Describe one’s food preferences
- Understand and give advice or instructions
- Describe a route of a journey or a trip in the Present and in the Past
- Tell someone where something is located
- Invite someone to visit places
- Make generalizations
- Understand the gist of a simple factual mass media article on current events
- Give a brief factual report on a current event
In addition to the cumulative material, the topics covered are:
- Russian cuisine
- Russian traditions, customs, and etiquette
- Foreigners in Russia
- Current events
In addition to the cumulative material, the grammatical topics covered are:
- Impersonal constructions
- Imperative forms
- Motion verbs (un-prefixed and prefixed)
- Negative pronouns
- Complex sentences